His Miracles are for Our Problems!

“Send the people away so that they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.” But he answered, “You give them something to eat.” They said to him, “That would take more than half a year’s wages! Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?”
Mark 6:36-37 NIV

Like the situation above in Mark, we all have problems. This problem facing Jesus and His disciples was a whole lot of people who followed Him and were now hungry. Jesus told His disciples to feed the people. There was the issue, after taking inventory, they had very little food available to them.  This problem was going to take way more power, way more wisdom, way more money than they possessed.

You see, if you have a problem and you have identified what that problem is, you are on the way to a possible solution – a miracle through God. Once you know what your issue is, take it to the Father. Once Jesus had shown His disciples the problem and they found no possible way to solve it with their resources, Jesus turned to the one who could solve the issue – His Father.

Miracles are just solutions to problems we have that look impossible for us to resolve. Impossible does not exist for our Father! When we take our problems to God and have faith to believe in Him, our prayers will be heard and we could easily see a miracle as a response. Our Lord is in the problem-solving business. He will show us the way, He will provide what we need.

Our problem often is we don’t identify our need and then take that need to God in faith! God’s miracles, large and small, are for our problems. Speak with your Father soon!

In Christ