Give It All!

“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”
John 6:9 NIV

In the midst of our afflictions in life, we find that there is great revelation in the Word to help us. When Jesus feed the 5,000, He used what was available at that moment to bring forth the miracle feeding. The real hero of faith was the small boy who had two fishes and five loaves. Why you ask? Because he gave all he had and he gave it when asked.

When we find ourselves in troubled times, Jesus is willing to meet us in our time of need. But He may be waiting to see if we, in faith, are going to give Him all we have. Give Him our total trust, our whole faith, to believe that our Lord will move on our behalf. The boy on the hillside did, he gave all he had to the Lord and the Lord used it to feed 5,000.

We struggle to give to the Lord all we are, all we have for two reasons: we may not believe He will provide for us if we give, or we say the little I have will not make a real difference. Those 5,000 and more were fed in testimony as the answer to our concerns and doubts. When done, there was an abundance of food left over beyond what was needed.

If we give our Lord our all, He is faithful to not only use what we have to resolve our problem but He will bless us besides. I like to call this the kingdom economy. Please note, we are talking about so much more than just money – our faith, our trust, our very lives. If we offer Jesus ourselves, He will use it to accomplish all that He desires for us which is for our good! Amen!

In Christ