Peace Maker!

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
Matthew 5:9 NIV

I don’t know many people who do not desire peace. Peace in our lives allows us to fully develop our God given blessings and to see others prosper as well. You will notice the Word did not just say live peacefully, it says make peace! As much as possible in our lives we are to seek peace with others especially those we may have a dispute with. God highly values relationships as they are foundational for our lives.

When we are known as people who actively seek peace in our lives and our circumstances, the goodness of God is put on display for the world. At every opportunity we should strive to make peace with those in our lives. Understand, peace between people takes more than just one to achieve. We are told to strive for peace and to be at peace ourselves given the God we serve.

We are called to be peace makers and to have the peace that passes all understanding because of who we are in Christ! Working for peace is a noble goal and our calling, but being at peace ourselves due to our Savior is priceless.

In Christ