Making Godly Decisions Builds Faith:

“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.”
James 1:6 NIV

James tells us in chapter one that faith is action. We put our faith into motion, and we see our lives enriched by our movement forward in the kingdom. Making Godly decisions builds our faith for at some point, we must let go of our old ways and reach towards the new thing God had for us.

Even when we know the very thing we should do, it does not profit us until we act on that truth, that direction. God is asking us to move forward in our walk of faith and when we do we see growth, we see power and new opportunities. Our verse tells us that when we ask of God, we must believe, not doubt. We should not find ourselves caught between our dreams and our failure to believe in those dreams.

Doubt is the opposite of faith. When we have faith in our Godly decisions to move in our lives, we will build the faith to make such decisions with our whole heart. When God speaks to us about our future, we need only to believe and obey. His glory awaits us if we do!

In Christ