The Ability to Wait!

“For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”
Habakkuk 2:3 NIV

Not many of us are good at waiting. Makes no difference what we are doing, we just don’t like to wait on anything or anyone. We are seemingly hardwired that everything we are doing needs to fit our sense of timing. Even fast food is often not fast enough to meet our expectations.

Enter our life of prayer. It is on a collision course with a very simple but powerful concept the Lord uses to build our faith – waiting on our answers. In prayer, there are three answers we will receive from God:
1. Yes
2. No
3. Not yet.

That last answer causes us the frustration. We are told to pray, and He will hear us so why the delay? Timing my friends! Our timing is not perfect but His is. Just because there is a delay does not mean God’s purpose will not be fulfilled. On the contrary, God is waiting for the right moment of circumstances and your faith to move as only He can.

Never take “Not Yet” as the end of the story. Jesus waited 30 years before He began His ministry and look what His time then produced! God ‘s timing will deliver exactly what He has for us, a perfect combination of provision and power. Not yet just means we haven’t reached that moment of time where our answer will fit our need and our expectations. Press in if what you’re hearing is “not yet” for the best is coming your way! Wait upon the Lord for He is faithful!

In Christ