Are We in Love with Easy?

“Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.”
Proverbs 13:4 NLT

Ever hear the advertising phrase, so many easy payments? Ad campaigns often use the tack that buying something is easy to do. I believe most people like easy things, rather than things that take work or effort. Why? We seek the easier way to do things all the time. I can’t count how many times I hear the words “work smarter not harder.” There is a subtle but distinct difference between smarter and lazy.

The Word tells us to avoid being lazy and not put in the effort needed to achieve our goals in life. Rather, it exhorts us to work hard and prosper. The difference between lazy and smart is there is still effort, still work but we try to do that work in the most productive manner possible. Did not God tell us that if we need wisdom to ask for it?

The best things in life take effort and work: relationships, true success, our walk with the Lord! If we truly want to prosper, we need to work at it. Our relationship with our Father takes effort. We have to be in the Word, strive every day to bring God’s blessings to others and trust in Him no matter the situation.

It all sounds like work. But that work will pay off in our lives. Foster a habit of effort, work at what you want and desire and shed the “easy culture” we live under in our society. You will prosper as God says you will!

In Christ