Don’t Focus on What You Feel:

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:13 NLT

We being human are often torn by the battle within us to do what we feel or what we are called to do. Jesus in Matthew spent several chapters instructing us on how we should live our lives. Much of that direction goes against what we humans feel. We have been taught differently due to our flesh nature of sin. But if we are believers, Jesus has laid out our direction and our actions for living.

Here is the rub, the Lord is calling us out to live for Him and in doing so, we show His love and mercy to those around us. That call is in direct opposition to what we feel in our human nature. So, we have daily decisions to make, to do His will or ours! The Word tells us we can accomplish everything through His strength, but we have to change our focus to Him not us.

Now some of us will say I am worried or fearful about these changes. Recognize that being fearful is a human response but being bold in such changes are from our Lord and His strength. We no longer focus on how we feel but on what He is calling us to do in our lives. Understand your feelings but do not let them rule your life. Let God have control and usher you through all He has called you to accomplish! He has destined us for so much more than we can imagine.

In Christ