Take Delight in the Lord!

Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you.”
Psalms 37:4-5 NLT

I remember when I was a young boy growing up in Pueblo, Colorado. There were many things that brought me joy but going to Dairy Queen was near the top of the list. I could visualize the hot fudge brownie sundae I would ask for and relish the moment for days after going. There are things in our lives that we have such anticipation about and they are very real to us.

Well now days what I truly delight in is different that my youthful days. Today I delight in the Lord who has saved me and set me free. Taking delight in something is more than an emotion, it is a full sensory experience. I find great joy, happiness, peace, contentment, and purpose in my relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ. I fully understand that there is so much I don’t know about him, but what I do know has blown me away. I am deeply and truly in love with my Father in heaven.

Delight in my life shows up as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and gentleness. It blesses me totally to delight in my God! Of course, I have moments of worry and anxiety, but they are fleeting in nature. I am convinced that my God loves me every day and in ways I am still learning about.

My God is the greatest hot fudge brownie sundae ever created or thought of. That brings real joy to my heart. Want some delight in your life, give it to Jesus!

In Christ