Stop the Excuses

I’m surprised when I find myself doing it – rationalizing. I start to make excuses for making not great choices. I find myself thinking it’s ‘not really bad’.
Do you do this, too?
Do you tell yourself "everyone’s doing it" or "no one will ever know" when you think about doing something that’s not quite right?
woe-to-you.jpg?w=300 God’s words through Isaiah are very clear about our tendency to rationalize away bad decisions. "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter". Isaiah5:20.
Woe to me when I call evil good…..or call evil okay. These words echo through my head as I recommit to stop rationalizing things.
I need to be discerning – don’t accept evil as good, don’t call shades of darkness light.
I need to be wise. This doesn’t mean I go around judging other people. God is their judge. I’m focusing on my behavior and my values and my choices. I’m focusing on calling good good and calling evil evil in my life.
And stop the excuses, stop the rationalizing.