You Are Forgiven

“Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭4‬ ‭

Has there been a time when you thought about a past mistake in your life? You wonder if indeed that past sin has been dealt with or is still on the book of your life, a mark against you. If you have taken that issue to the Father and asked for forgiveness, it is dealt with in God’s eyes. Once we have accepted Jesus, the Father no longer see us but us through Christ who died for us. We are forgiven.

Think about that outstanding piece of news for a second. No matter what you have done, or will do, Jesus paid the price for it. It is amazingly difficult at times to grasp the love and grace wrapped up in our salvation but it is real and it is forever more our destiny! When the old tapes of your life get played in your mind about past sin, know this- it has already been taken from you by the blood of the Lamb.

We should not live a single moment in past regret but to know that even before the world was made, God loved us!
We are forgiven and we are now free to live our lives in Christ without the burden of past sin.

In Christ