Find the Book

The Book of the Law. Moses’ book.
God’s words.
God tells us an encouraging story about King Josiah in 2 Chronicles. King Josiah knew it was time to repair the temple of the Lord so he made it happen. While they were cleaning and fixing the temple, they discovered "the Book of the Law of the Lord that had been given through Moses".(34:14) The book was read to the king who immediately tore his robes and asked the prophetess Huldah to tell him what God wanted to say to him. Her message from God could be boiled down to three words, ‘disaster is coming’.
The king reacted immediately by having the Book read to all of the people and then leading them in recommitting to their relationship with God. The king cleared out all of the idols from the temple along with the idolatrous priests. He destroyed all of the places for idol worship and altars. He got rid of the mediums and spiritists along with all other ‘detestable’ things.
find-it.jpg When everything was done, they celebrated the Passover which had not been celebrated properly for hundreds of years. Great job, King Josiah!
So what about me? What about you? Do we need to ‘find’ the book of the Lord?
Are there ‘things’ in our lives that we put a higher priority on than our relationship with God? If there are, these are our idols.
Do we look to sources other than God for our guidance and direction? How often to we check with Google on important things rather than checking with God?
Is our Bible sitting on the shelf more than its been sitting open on our lap? Are we letting God transform our lives as we soak in his truth, not the lies that swirl around us?
King Josiah’s cleansing of the land of Judah was a high point in their history. He heard God’s word, he listened and he obeyed.
King Josiah found the Book. The book led him to God. God led him to renewal and celebration.
I am in my 14th consecutive year of reading the entire Bible and I continue to experience this renewal and celebration as, each day, I let God’s truth guide me and fill my heart with peace, love truth and strength.
Is it time for some renewal and celebration in your life?
Maybe its time for you to find the Book.
