Our Struggle with Pride

“We are confident of all this because of our great trust in God through Christ. It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The sin that led to the fall of Satan and mankind was pride. We all have our experiences with pride in our lives but do we really know with who we struggle with in our prideful moments. We struggle with our God. There are a couple of areas where I have found myself in contention with God over pride.

1. There is the area of my desires for my life. I want to be taller, faster, better looking, smarter, more liked by others, popular and wealthy. When I see others given such attributes and not me, I become bitter and lose sight of who I truly am. I am lost in the hunt for what I want not what God has for me. My pride causes multiple issues with my relationship with the Lord. I have heard it said I will not truly find myself until submit to the will of the one who made me!

2. When I encounter issues in my life, is my first reaction thats ok God I got this. I step in and not only think to myself but believe that I have the wisdom and power to deal with my problems. I have placed myself directly ahead of my Lord and sought to elevate myself to his level. How many times has this happened and I have failed or come up short due to my pride?

The Word today says we are confident in all not because of ourselves but because our qualification comes from God through Jesus Christ. When we believe we did anything to make us righteous, we are walking in midst of our own pride. We are struggling with God about who we really are! It is time for us to submit ourselves to our God and to realize he is our source, not us. The great moments of our lives will be found at his feet not us standing in selfish ambition!

In Christ