Be Cheerful in this World

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17‬:‭22‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We all have a life to live and that life will have an impact on the world. Like most of us, that impact may not be enormous but it still exists. We get to choose what kind of impact we want to make as God has given us free will in our lives. I want to encourage you today to make an impact on others that shows them the gladness of knowing our Lord and Savior. We have offered the greatest gift ever by the grace and the love of God. If we have accepted that gift of grace, our entire lives have changed.

We are no longer lost in sin,
condemned but forgiven and redeemed. Our future is no longer in doubt but secured by the sacrifice given by Jesus. We have to no longer guess if we have a purpose in our lives or if we are loved in our lives. God has made us his children with all his promises and inherited blessings given to us. With such a change in fortune, with such a new destiny, should we not have a cheerful heart.

Children of God should be the last ones who have a life that is full of gloom and doom. We are his light in this world, we should shine that light today! The word tells us that a cheerful heart is good medicine, for our spirit and body. Let us be poster child for the joy of the Lord to the world around us. The world is full of sadness and gloom and it will take notice of your joy if you show it. We have been given a life forever with our Lord. We should be cheerful about our future and our new lives in the Father!

In Christ