It Has Been Decided

These last 8 1/2 years have been the most difficult and painful time of my life. My son, David Glasser, was a Phoenix Police officer who was killed in the line of duty on May 18, 2016. My world blew up on that day.
dave-and-grandma-at-northwestern One of the ways God has comforted me is through this truth – " A person’s days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed." Job 14:5.
God has already decided which day will be the last day of your life here on earth and mine.
Knowing this helped me let go of my mother when she passed away 21 years ago. We had a very close relationship and she was my role-model for how a Christian woman lives her life faithful to God – all the way to her last breath here on earth. I realized, if God wanted her in heaven with him, then that’s what I wanted for her.
davey-and-grandma-rolls Nineteen years ago I found myself in ICU with twelve blood clots in my lungs – a life-threatening situation. God told me clearly that I wasn’t going to die from that and I didn’t – even though 5 doctors told me the blood clots should have killed me.
It just wasn’t my day.
I know that God has reasons for picking May 18 as Davey’s final day here on earth. I may never understand those reasons but I trust God. And, since God wants him in heaven, that’s what I want for him.
Knowing that this date was determined before Davey was born helps me avoid needless regrets…like –

  • I wish he hadn’t gone on that call.davey-and-mom
    • It wouldn’t have mattered. This was his day.
  • I wish he hadn’t gone to work that day.
    • It would have happened no matter what he was doing.
  • I wish he hadn’t been a police officer.
    • He was born to be a police officer and he died honorably, serving his community and doing what he loved to do. He wouldn’t have wanted to live or die any other way.

It was decided. There is no ‘wishing’ something else had happened. God decreed the number of Davey’s days here on earth and then he took Davey home.
Now, standing a foundation of God’s love and strength and grace, I know I have been left on this earth for a purpose. God has a plan. I am committed to following where he leads….until the day arrives that is already decided for me.
Meanwhile, through the tears, I am focusing on loving God and loving people.
A bigger chunk of my heart is now in heaven with you, Abba Father.
