What Am I Supposed to Do?

When the path right in front of me looks like its straight up hill.
When the issue confronting me is big
and confusing
and scary
and heart-breaking.
When I am threatened on all sides by more problems, more sadness, more darkness.
What am I supposed to do?
please-strengthen-my-hands Nehemiah found himself in this type of situation and he turned to God, praying, "Now strengthen my hands."(6:9)
Nehemiah had groups of powerful people plotting against him as he led the Jews in rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. His enemies were trying to frighten the Jews so their hands would become too weak to continue to work on the wall. But God answered Nehemiah’s prayers and the wall was eventually finished.
Is there something in your life that looks like its impossible to accomplish? Impossible to fix?
Give it to God. Ask him to strengthen your hands and then trust that he is answering. He may use you like he did Nehemiah to actually orchestrate the answer. Or he may want your strong hands to be folded in prayer before him, admitting your dependence on him and remaining faithful while he works all things out for your good.
Either way, God’s got this.
Please strengthen my hands, Abba Father.
