You Are Valuable!

“God paid a high price for you, so don’t be enslaved by the world.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭7‬:‭23‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In our society today, the vast majority of people are very aware of their net worth. Net worth is simply how much money and assets you have. This is a worldly standard to measure the value of a person and does not take into account the actual value of each individual person. As with most everything, God views value of a person much differently than the world.

God is concerned about the soul of a person not their bank account. God operates in the spiritual realm not the physical and because of this, He looks at our spiritual condition not our physical assets. The Word tells us plainly that God himself paid a high price for you! If the Creator of all the life and the universe thinks you are worth such a price, who are we to argue? I believe this should settle our questions about are we of worth and do we matter. God thinks so, so this is the truth we can have faith in, build our lives on.

When you struggle with thoughts of insecurity, remember this verse! God deems you valuable and certainly worth the cost to redeem you from sin. He gave his Son for you – no higher price could be paid! You are not only valuable but you are priceless! Amen!!!

In Christ