Relax, God Loves You Always!

“The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. For he knows how weak we are; he remembers we are only dust.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭103‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

There is a trait in some people that drives them to seek the very best, the ultimate level of performance or the highest degree of success. That trait is perfection. When properly developed, it can stir us to seek to accomplish more than we may have thought possible. When not managed properly, it can lead to frustration, anxiety and a sense of failure in our lives as can never obtain perfection. Our walk with the Lord is a prime example of how perfection can keep us from a deep and full life in God.

Scripture tells us that we are in need to be renewed in Christ, but that process is one grace and love not perfection. Why, because God knows we are frail humans, we are weak and made from the dust of the earth. Yet, he loves us! There two facts we must deep into our hearts:
1. God will never love you more than he does right now!
2. God will never love you less no matter what you have done.
You see God’s love and grace does not in any way depend on what we do or how we feel.

We must walk our walk of faith, growing everyday in grace of our God. There is change needed in our lives to be that new creature in Christ. But, we can be assured that God’s love for us is not fickle or prone to change due our weakness. Just the opposite, we grow stronger in God when we are ourselves are weak. You see it is all about the marvelous Lord we serve and not about us. So relax, run the race today knowing Gods loves you completely.

In Christ