It Should Have Been Me

It should have been me.
it-should-have-been-me.jpg?w=640 The thief up on the cross next to Jesus was sentenced to die for the bad things he had done.
That was me….before I put my faith in Jesus.
My rebellion, self-centeredness, and lack of compassion are a few of the reasons I should have been on that cross.
The Great News is Jesus was up there on the cross for me…..and for you. He who knew no sin became sin for us. He bore the weight of all of the world’s sin – once and for all. You and I can be redeemed from spiritual death by accepting the free gift of salvation that only Jesus can give.
As I read this account in Luke 23, I visualize Jesus turning to me, looking me in the eye and saying, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." vs 43.
For the thief, it was that day. Oh, glorious day!
For me, it probably won’t be today – although it could be.
And I’m ready.
There will be come a day for me when it is ‘today’ because I have committed my heart and life to Jesus. This passage in the Bible reassures me. The thief did nothing to earn his way into heaven. He put his faith in Jesus and it was done. He didn’t say a prayer or say specific words and he was never baptized. Jesus knew the thief’s heart just like Jesus knows my heart.
This passage also tells me there is no waiting – no purgatory, no additional steps.
In paradise.
Thank you, Jesus
