Learn to Laugh!

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17‬:‭22‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Most people think that God’s word as filled only with rules and laws that tell us what we should and should not do. While there is a great deal of guidance in the Word, it also contains great advice, humor, and captivating stories of real lives. I truly believe that my Father in Heaven has a wonderful sense of humor. I only have to look at the events and words of my life to know this is true. We all have had moments where we are a hilarious piece of work and have said some astoundingly funny things.

I know his humor exists for we hear it in the laugh of babies that absolutely bring a smile to our faces. We see it in creation of what God has crafted for some mysterious purpose- can you say duck bill platypus. We can feel it deep in our soul when we allow ourselves to laugh out loud and enjoy a humorous moment. All these examples do one thing for us, they bring joy and cheer to our heart. The word tells us that a cheerful heart is good medicine!

We need to laugh more, chuckle more at the funny moments of life. We need to learn to let ourselves enjoy the humor that exits around us. I heard a saying sometime ago, “ if you want to last, learn to laugh”! I do believe our Lord has put such joy in everyone of us we just need to enjoy more.

In Christ