“Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown.” When he said this, he called out, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.””
Luke 8:8 NIV
When we hear one of our favorite songs on the radio, we might turn up the volume so we can hear it more clearly. If we really want to hear what someone has to say, we pay closer attention to the words they are sharing. If we want to know what someone is telling us, we have to pay attention or tune in to them.
If we want to hear from God, we have to pay attention to what He is saying. We need to press into our pursuit of God so that we have first a clear idea it is God speaking. Secondly, we need to pay attention so that we can understand what he is telling us. Luke tells us that we need ears to hear but also a desire to hear! Without a desire to seek what God’s word is showing us, those words will just be words on a page. When we have a passion to hear what God has for us, those words will come alive and minster and teach us.
We are called to be in His Word for it is life to us. If we approach this time of fellowship with a desire to learn, the words will indeed become our truths and direction. We need to “Tune In” my friends to God and hear the words of life He has for us!
In Christ