My Ancient Roots – and Your’s

I am Abraham’s offspring. I am his child by faith. If you are a believer like me, you are also a child of the promise.
Paul explains to us that Abraham gave birth to the Jewish nation by the physical birth of Isaac but Abraham’s offspring are all those who believe. We are Abraham’s children. "In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring." Romans 9:8.
aaaachild-of-the-promise.jpg?w=640 As children of the promise, our roots go way back into ancient Biblical times. When the new year starts in just a couple of weeks, I will be turning back to ‘In the beginning’ as I start with page 1 of the Bible again. The Old Testament. Some people question why we study the Old Testament. Why do we memorize it? Why is it important to understand God’s words to us in the Old Testament?
It’s extremely important because this is where we come from. Who we are was created in the Garden of Eden. The sin and violence which fills our TV screens today is the same rebellion against God that fills the pages of the Old Testament. We get the chance to know more about God as we read about his interactions with our biblical ancestors before the Light of Jesus full of truth and grace came into our world.
Every year as I read the entire Chronological Bible, I spend 2/3 of the year in the Old Testament. Most of God’s Word is in the Old Testament. Why?
Abraham is one of our fathers.
This is where we came from.
Children of the Promise.
Thank you, Abba Father.
