““Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it.”
1 Timothy 4:8-9 NLT
Everyone of us knows that there things we could do for ourselves that are beneficial for our lives. For example, we know that if we eat healthy, get regular exercise and a good nights sleep, we will be better off physically. We are convinced of such facts but there is a still a problem. We are not committed to such courses of action.
We know of God, have knowledge of him and are convinced that he exists. The question is not do we know of God but are committed to him. We can read his word, his instructions for our lives, possibly memorizing some of the verses. But, do we put these truths into motion in our lives. Paul tells us that training is beneficial for us especially training for godliness. We know that such effort will produce results that will make us better now and forever. Are we committed to such training?
Each day, God’s grace is renewed to us. Each day we have his presence, his provision and love. We should commit ourselves to training ourselves on a daily basis to improve our lives physically and spiritually. Let’s make the transition from being just convinced to being committed to our Lord and Savior.
In Christ