I don’t own anything. When I die, nothing is coming with me.
I know – I check the box ‘own’ when I’m asked about my house but I should really be marking ‘rent’ because my house is not coming with me when I leave this earth.
The Apostle Peter says it like it is, "Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear." 1Peter 1: 17.
Do you ever feel like a foreigner here? I certainly do.
Living in this world is often disappointing and difficult. It’s confusing and full of conflicts. The moments of joy seem fleeting compared to the problems that hang on forever. When I hear people talk about their ‘forever homes’ here on earth, I’m really glad to know that my ‘forever home’ is not here – it’s in a much better place.
The hole left in my life by the death of my son will only be filled in heaven.
So I’m good with my foreigner, renting status here on earth. When my lease is up, I’m going home, where I belong…..forever.
I know you already have a place prepared for me, Abba Father. Thank you.