Prepare to Meet the Lord!

“You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭63‬:‭1‬, ‭3

When you are going to attend or be part of an important meeting, you are wise if you prepare for that event. You make sure you know the issues that concern you and have a game plan in your mind of not only what you will say but also the results you seek. In others words, you prepare yourself to gain the utmost benefit from that meeting!

When we meet with our Lord, we should also prepare ourselves for such an encounter. Some simple tips! Be expectant for you talking with the creator of the universe. He can and often does the miraculous to fulfill his will. Be reverent. God is a holy God and when we meet with him, we are on holy ground. Be prepared to obey! Don’t ask God questions you truly don’t want answered. The Lord deals solely in the truth and wants what is absolutely the best for us. Are we prepared for such change and truth in our lives. Go to God in love. Even if your circumstances don’t say to you love, God loves us beyond measure. Just because our emotions may be running high, does not change his love or opinion of us. Be prepared to seek him. Being in his presence is such a great gift, savor it, seek it and don’t treat it lightly!

If we prepare to meet our Lord, we will see great benefits come from our time with our Heavenly Father. Enjoy your time with him and expect the impossible!

In Christ