How close can I get to God? That’s a great goal, isn’t it?
I’d like to get as close as Enoch. Enoch was Adam’s great, great, great, great grandson and we read in Genesis that he walked in close fellowship with God. “Altogether, Enoch lived a total of 365 years. Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.” Genesis 5:23-24.
Enoch never died. God just took him home. I don’t have any control over it, but that’s the way I’d really like to go. Elijah was the only other person that we know of who God took up to heaven before he died. Elijah rode a fiery chariot up to heaven.
How cool is that? How many bonus points does it take to get a ride like that?
God has a huge sense of humor so he knows I’m just kidding. I was once told that it’s ok to joke around with God and that makes sense to me. He is always watching us so we might as well make him laugh once in awhile – or a lot.
I wonder how many more people have ‘disappeared’ or gotten a chariot ride up to heaven? It’s a safe bet that we don’t know about them all. I prefer the chariot ride because it’s more visible so the people I am leaving behind won’t have to wonder where I went when I disappear.
It is obvious that both Enoch and Elijah had a very close relationship with God. That must be the ticket. So I’m going to work on my relationship with God knowing he has already determined my last day and what my trip into heaven is going to look like.
But it never hurts to ask, right?
If it’s what you want, Father, please put me on the chariot list.