Not Like Me

I am created in the image of God, I am like him.
But he is not like me.
I have found this to be a crucial truth to get straight in my brain so that I have the correct expectations of God. I have to apply this every day to my relationship with God so I can avoid frustrations and confusion.
God tells me through Isaiah, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." Isaiah 55:8.
God is perfectly holy, perfectly just, perfectly loving and always right.
I am farrrrrrrr from perfect. I cannot judge God’s actions – whether they are right or wrong – based on what I think. My thinking is very flawed. It is self-centered, self-seeking and severely limited. I don’t think like God. I will never think like God.
So I submit to his will, his plan, his purpose.
mohamed-nohassi-odxb5oig_ia-unsplash.jpg?w=1024 I am totally confident in God’s goodness and his perfect love for me. I know to the depths of my spirit that God wants the best for me. Even though I will never understand how he thinks and why he has permitted a painful tragedy to happen in my life when my son was killed, I will trust God. His ways are not my ways – his ways are perfect.
In response to this truth, I have decided that my way is to walk in trust and faithfulness to God for the rest of my days on this planet. I have decided to live in gratitude for his free gift of redemption through Jesus. I don’t question what God does or doesn’t do. I don’t try to determine if he is right or wrong – I know he is right. He is always walking beside me, loving me and caring for me, even when he is not doing what I think is best. He knows better.
I trust you, Abba Father.
