I Am Becoming

I am ‘becoming’ something.
We are all on the path to ‘somewhere’. I decide what I am becoming and where I’m going by my choices each day. I am going one way or another – I’m not standing still. If I’m not doing anything new – not growing – then I am moving backward as the world moves forward around me.
When I put my life in my Father God’s hands, he is able to mold me into the person he created me to be. When you put your life in our Father’s hands, he is able to mold you, too, into the person he created you to be.
Isaiah is very clear about this, " Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are the work of your hand." 64: 8.
Potter-at-Work1 When I let God change me and transform me, my life becomes a beautiful work of his hands.
I have watched God work in my life for many years – gradually changing my thinking and perspective so it more closely lines up with his. I have been reading the entire Bible each year for the last 14 years and I continue to reap the benefits of committing this time and effort to my relationship with God. The better I know his Word, the easier it is to hear God and let him move in my life. I look forward to many more years of God continuing to refine me – I am confident that his goal is to create a unique masterpiece of my life that brings glory to him.
My life – created by God.
Your life – created by God.
Will we be molded and shaped by the Master’s hands?
Our choice.
I choose you, Abba Father.
