Guard Your Mind!

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:9 NIV

In any given day, our minds may have literally thousands of thoughts go through our brain. Now we cannot control many of things we may hear or see in passing, but we can control what we dwell on. In this world today there is so much present that is wrong, foul in its basis and certainly not what believers should be processing in our minds. We have to guard our minds so that what is common to the world does not become common to us.

The verse today tells us that God’s ways, His thoughts are higher than ours. This is simply a statement that testifies to God’s holiness. We are called to live a life that glorifies our Father, and we cannot do so if our thinking is no different than that of the world. When we refuse to dwell on the lies and deceptions of Satan we are placing our minds into God’s realm, His kingdom.

The world would tell us that sin is ok and that we are living in a more enlightened time. Deceptive double speak for sin will actually destroy your life and deliver you into loss and suffering. If sin is not a big deal, why did Christ have to die on a cross to overcome it? Do not give sin a foothold in your life – guard your mind at all times!

In Christ