God Will Rescue You!

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”
Psalms 27:13 NIV

This short verse conveys to us who may be walking in difficult times a simple but powerful truth of our God, He is good. And being good, He will show us that goodness all through our walk with Him. What are we expecting from our Lord? Has He rescued before in our lives? Has He made provision when we had none? Did He see us through dark and trying times? If you look back over your life and can see where God was there for you, you should have the same expectation as this verse does – I will see the goodness of the Lord in my life.

When we face delays and difficulties, we are being asked to trust our Lord. In such trusting, He will provide our answer but He will do so that we understand that the answer came from Him. God will get the glory and we will know who to praise! If we need a rescue operation in our lives, we should have that confidence that we will see the goodness of our Lord in our circumstances.

Jesus told us that it is by our faith we will see His goodness. Expect God to enrich your life as only the Lord of Lords can. That is my kind of rescue!

In Christ