Cost of Procrastination!

“Those too lazy to plow in the right season will have no food at the harvest.”
Proverbs 20:4 NLT

We have all faced a problem and we decided to wait to address it, we procrastinated. The Bible tells us there is a cost to putting off the effort to address your issue today while it is before you. When we procrastinate, we say to ourselves things like “it will be better to do this tomorrow” or “I will wait to handle this later when I have more strength and clarity.” We then can turn a problem into a crisis!

When we wait, the problem doesn’t go away it grows in size or complexity. We often see that by waiting we miss opportunities to address the issue by putting off our action to resolve it. We also find that this procrastination costs in relationships as we failed to work to solve our conflicts with others as we should.

These are all costs of procrastination. We make something that was hard but doable seemly impossible now. We failed to take the opportunities provided to grow and mature which would bring us even deeper peace and faith. We failed to achieve the growing of relationships that could not only benefit us but have paved the way for others to see God’s grace and mercy!

The verse today says those who procrastinate, put off the work they could do today, will not see the harvest that was intended for their lives. Facing issues is always a difficult task but if we understood the costs of putting off dealing with them, we would be more inclined to face them now. Don’t forgo your harvest of blessings because you face adversity today – face it with God at your side and prosper.

In Christ