Great Hope of Completion!

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”
Philippians 1:6 NLT

Most people I know love the feeling of completion. When a labor is done, a task completed, or a dream is fulfilled we get a very satisfying feeling that we were able to see this effort through. Now think of how good you felt at those moments.  Now multiply that feeling by 10,000 times or more. The idea is glorious of how good that would feel.

There is coming a day when we, as believers of Jesus Christ, will feel those feelings of a most excellent completion in our lives. For a day is coming when we will be made complete in every way, spiritually and physically. God who has started His good work in us will finish that work the day Jesus comes back for us! Think of the work that will be done; we will be physically transformed in perfect bodies with no more pain or ailments. We will be transformed spiritually so we are truly holy in every way – no sin, no more fear, no more thoughts of the flesh.

The day is coming when we will be with our Lord and Savior forevermore. Having been restored in all ways, we are remade, complete to be with Him in heaven past the end of time. What joy we will know, what peace we will have! You see the world has no such hope but we as His children do.

One day soon, we will know the total pleasure and joy of being made complete by our Lord. That to me is not only exciting beyond measure but a real hope I can live on until that day comes!

In Christ