Servant’s Heart!

“But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else.”
Mark 10:43-44 NLT

The world defines success as one who has the resources, the position, or the power to have others serve them. Gaining the ability to have others tend to your every need is the hallmark of worldly success. God sees it differently! God’s definition of success is not being served but serving others. Jesus, the Son of God, did not come to earth to be served but to serve.

God desires that we gain a servant’s heart not a heart of self. In the Word today, it is showing us to be first you must be last. To be successful you must serve others using your God-given talents for service not personal gain. Service will reflect the maturity of your faith as you seek others to help, to serve not your own desires.

Your talent will show you your ministry, but your service will lead you to the good works of compassion God has called all of us to perform. Want to be a true success, serve others as the Lord has served us!


In Christ