Inconvenient Service:

“Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them.”
2 Timothy 2:3-4 NLT

We are called to be servants as our Lord was a humble servant. On this Memorial Day, we honor those who not only served but sacrificed for the nation. Their service was often inconvenient and required putting their own lives on hold as they did what was needed to be done. They served with focus and purpose and met the demands they were asked to deal with.

We are called to different service but a service none the less. God is asking – are we available to serve Him, to do the work that needs to be done? Are we willing to have our lives interrupted to accommodate the demands of our God? You see, service that is only accomplished when it is convenient is not really service at all. God will ask you to minster to the hurting and the lost in real time, when the need is brought to bear.

Being a servant often means we will be interrupted, inconvenienced to do something the Lord asks us to do. Do we get frustrated when asked? Do we try and find ways to avoid such service? Maybe just maybe, we should take a hard look at our version of service and see if it really measures up. The needs are there and we as the body of Christ should commit to trying to meet the call we are given. Our Lord gave His all so we could be saved and set free! Shouldn’t we at least be available to serve even when it is inconvenient?

In Christ