Faithful in Small Things!

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.”
Luke 16:10 NLT

Life is made up of thousands of small details, small tasks that need to be accomplished and done well. Does it not seem that there is no shortage of those who desire to do the large tasks, the glitzy ones that bring attention to the doers? What we need more of are those who are faithful in the small things.

Within the small details of life are the issues of growth, issues of faith, issue of compassion. Small things bring us together and bind us for we see ourselves in these details of love and service. How many times have we have been thankful for the small blessings someone has given us even on a daily basis. I believe the real evidence of a caring heart is the small menial tasks done for others. God sees those acts of service and compassion and will reward us accordingly.

In our service to God let us not forget to serve others in the small things as those are the foundation of our love for others and our Father!

In Christ