Wholehearted Obedience

“Teach me your decrees, O Lord; I will keep them to the end. Give me understanding and I will obey your instructions; I will put them into practice with all my heart.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭33‬-‭34‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I have found that there are things that I enjoy doing for the Lord and there are somethings I struggle with. Some instructions I obey gladly and some I have to think about or as us Christian’s say I need to pray about. The word today us tells us we need to not only know what God says but we will obey your instructions with all my heart. That is simply a description of obedience.

I am sure most of you are like me, have some areas we do very well obeying the instructions of our Father and some not so good. I will go to church but I will not forgive others when I have the opportunity. I will love my Lord on Sunday but not so passionately the other days of the week. I will thank God for blessings me with talent but I am not interested in using those talents as God leads me to do. That is called partial obedience which is really disobedience. If love the Lord, shouldn’t we doing his will with a whole heart not picking and choosing what we want or don’t want to do. When did we gain the wisdom and knowledge to know what is right plan for our lives?

I struggle with wholehearted obedience as I know you do as well. But, we are running our race not just to get by but to excel and win or why run it.
We are called by his name and we are his people. As such we should seek to be wholehearted in all we do for our Lord. The greatest gifts and blessings come from our God. Knowing this, we should press forward to obey our Lord with a heart that not only welcomes his presence and love but his instructions as well.

In Christ