I See His Work

What do you do in a thunderstorm? Check out the clouds? Watch the wind rip through the trees? Count the seconds between the flash of the lightening and the roll of thunder?
Every summer, I spend some time staying by Lake Okoboji in Iowa which is near where I grew up. It’s a beautiful lake surrounded by lots of vacation homes, condos and hotels. Every year I go, there’s at least one rain storm and it always reminds me of one of my favorite things about this part of the country. It’s farmland as far as you can see but there is no irrigation here – God himself waters this land. I remember several times as a kid when the farmers needed more rain. So we had a prayer meeting. And when we had a prayer meeting for rain, the large church I grew up in was full – wall to wall people, standing room only. Everyone around my hometown knew who watered their crops and our town’s economy depended on those crops.
As I read God’s Word in the book of Job I am remembering what it felt like sitting in my cabin by the lake, listening to it rain and thunderstorm, saying ‘wow’ when the thunder clapped very loudly right over us and watching the bright show of lightening cracking across the lake.
"God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways;
harshit-sharma-wertrhhtz4s-unsplash.jpg?w=1024 he does great things beyond our understanding.
He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’
and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour”.
So that everyone he has made may know his work,
he stops all people from their labor.
The animals take cover;
They remain in their dens.
raychel-sanner-1cjxpltxrmi-unsplash.jpg?w=1024 The tempest come out from it’s chamber,
the cold from the driving winds.
The breath of God produces ice,
and broad waters become frozen.
He loads the clouds with moisture;
he scatters his lightening through them.
At his direction they swirl around
over the face of the earth
to do whatever he commands them." Job 37: 5-12.
jeremy-bishop-td7g4w1hsie-unsplash.jpg?w=1024 God definitely gets the attention of everyone around the lake when it storms. It was impossible to ignore his work.
Do you know the benefits that God has packed into a rainstorm like that?

  • the obvious one is the rainfall – growing the crops and providing grass to feed the animals.
  • rainstorms are natural air-conditioners – cooling the air and the land.
  • lightening provides nitrogen which fertilizes the soil and provides protein for the animals.
  • rainstorms remove pollution in the air, cleaning it.

I may not understand a lot of things God does, but when I feel the rain, hear the thunder and see the lightening, I know that God is providing for us and taking care of us.
Thank you, Abba Father.
