It’s a Hard Truth

I love all the blessings God has showered down on me. I cherish all of the great people God has brought into my life. I appreciate all the awesome things God has given me to enjoy on this earth.
It’s so easy to be happy and praise God when I focus on all of the good things in my life.
family-at-daveys-wedding.jpg?w=640 But how do I react when something bad happens in my life? The book of Job in the Bible is a great one to study when devastation shakes up our world.
After Satan kills all of Job’s children, Job responds with "Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away: may the name of the LORD be praised." Job 1:21 – 22.
Hard, hard truth. All of us at sometime experience ‘the LORD gave and the LORD has taken away’ part of this truth. I didn’t know how horrible this could be until my son, David Glasser, who was a Phoenix Police Officer, was killed in the line of duty on May 18, 2016. God gave me Davey for 34 1/2 precious years and then God let him be taken away.
img096-1.jpg?w=721 A tragedy. A huge loss that filled my world with grief and pain. It has been a tsunami that continues to smash dreams I had and crush hopes of what my future with Davey in my life was going to look like.
I don’t like it. I don’t understand it. God and I have had many conversations about it and I have come to one conclusion.
I submit. I submit to God’s will. I submit to his purpose. I will never like it, and I probably will never understand it. So I submit.
God is perfect. He is good, all the time. He wants the best for me. He is working all things out for my good. When I filter my circumstances through these truths, God gives me peace and the strength to face a future here on earth without Davey.
The LORD gives and he takes away.
May the name of the LORD be praised.
