Love is a Response to Love

“We love because he first loved us. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭19‬, ‭21‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Have you ever felt you were in a time in your life where your relationships were sort of stuck in neutral? You have asked yourself maybe I just don’t love God enough, love my spouse enough? Wrong question! Our verse shows us that we love because God first loved us. God is love. He is the one who created us with the capacity to love, to love him and to love others.

We have two royal commands if we are believers, love God and love others. Since we love because God first loved us, then if we desire to love more, we must understand how much God loves us. God’s love for us knows no bounds and his desire to be in a loving and right relationship is one of his greatest goals. Why else would he sacrifice his only Son for us whom he loves.

Want to know more love and fulfillment in our lives, dwell on how much you are truly loved, truly treasured by God! When we understand the depth of his love to us, we can then expand our own love capacity. We are given a great love so we can in turn love greatly!

In Christ