He is Here

I recently watched the first episode of ‘The Chosen’ again. The first time I saw it, I wasn’t sure I wanted to watch it because I usually don’t like the movie if I’ve read the book. And I read the entire Bible every year.
So I started streaming it with critical eyes and my hand ready to turn it off if it was wrong and not representing my Father well. The first episode was about Mary who was possessed by many demons. I don’t know about you, but Satan turns my stomach. The Evil One is so real to me that it was very hard to watch Mary struggle with the demons on the screen. The characters in the show were trying to help her and I kept saying in my head with my stomach churning while watching this, "When is Jesus going to show up?"
I just finished reading the Old Testament in the Chronological Bible for the 14th time. It ended at a time that the Israelites had turned back to God and recommitted to following him. But the last 9 1/2 months of reading have been full of stories of people turning their back on God, disobeying him, and worshipping weird, worthless idols. The Old Testament ends with the faithful people saying, "When is the Messiah going to show up?"
hands-g52bc30203_1280.jpg?w=1024 The good news for us is that Jesus has already ‘showed up’. Over 2 thousand years ago he came to earth and sacrificed his life so we can have a personal relationship with God that starts here and continues on into eternity in heaven. After Jesus died for us and raised himself back to life before going back to heaven, he send his Spirit here to live inside all those who put their faith in him.
Jesus is here. His Spirit is alive here.
As I write that, I feel such a relief! Because when Jesus showed up for Mary in the "The Chosen", he sent all the demons away and she transformed in a beautiful, happy woman who committed her life to serving Jesus. Jesus made all the difference. As I’ve continued to watch this program, I saw Mary wander away, back to her demons. Do we ever wander? But Jesus pursued her again and she turned back to him, just like we need to do when we get lost.
Knowing Jesus is here and he never leaves me gives me relief as I finish reading the Old Testament which is filled with stories of the Israelite’s lack of faith and hundreds of years of wavering commitment. When we choose to put our faith in him, his Spirit can help us remain faithful and committed. Jesus makes all the difference.
I even feel relieved when I look around at all the issues in our current culture. What a mess! Evil is revered and rampant. Important values like respect and integrity are disappearing from our culture. Ignoring God and his truth is at an all time high – even in our churches.
We know Jesus is here. He is in control.
Jesus makes all the difference today and every day.
