“I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.”
Ecclesiastes 3:14 NIV
We are told that we should be people of prayer and rightfully so. We should take everything to the Lord in prayer. God should be our go to person for all the things of our lives good and bad. But, how do we handle those times when we get the distinct feeling that God doesn’t seem to working in our lives. What do we do when we feel alone in our struggle?
God doesn’t build just for the here and now. No he builds eternity. God has a plan for us and God is faithful, Faithful in his promises, faithful to complete the good work he has started in you! The word tells us that nothing can be added or taken away from the work that God performs in all creation and in our lives as well. God does what he does because it the very thing we need when we truly need it. His timing and answers are flawless. God’s desire is that we would have a deep and profound relationship with him, that we would love him, reverence his heart and have a fear of just how great he truly is.
Our human minds and emotions often put unrealistic expectations on God for our thinking is limited and our timing is flawed. God will see his purpose for your life through if we just learn to trust him! Remember the greatest place to be is in the hands of the one who made it all!
In Christ