“So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help.”
Isaiah 30:18 NLT
The Word tells us we should seek the Lord with all our heart. When we trust in God , he will deliver that what is needed for his will to be accomplished. I know that many of us have been praying about our country, our issues and our leadership. While our elections are not quite finished , we can already see change taking the fore front. Our praying is not finished. We now must pray for our elected leaders, to lead our country, our states and cities with wisdom and courage. God is the one who is control so these election results are product of God’s will.
Knowing that our God reigns, let us purpose in our hearts to continue the work of the kingdom, continue to pray and wait upon the Lord for his timing is perfect. We need to continue to show others his love, his compassion and shine the light of God’s truth into the darkness. His is faithful and he will bless those who call upon his name. Now can be a time where we the church help usher in a time of renewal and restoration. Be bold my friends in Your faith for this world is in desperate need of the “Good News of Christ “.
Seek him and know his love, know his peace. Wait on him for the truth and promises of an overcoming life!
In Christ