You Don’t Have to Struggle to Matter!

“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Have we ever wondered why our schedules are so busy, filled with one event after another. Why is it that we feel tired, we feel burdened? We may have decided that we needed to do more, accomplish more in our lives. So, here we are loaded up with appointments and burdens trying to make a statement that we truly matter. I have a revelation for you, you don’t have to struggle to show you matter, God already says you do!

Why else would he send his Son for YOU? God has already put into motion a plan of salvation for you. He has already demonstrated how much he cares. Nothing in all creation can change how God feels about you. So when you scurry about trying to prove your worth, you are simply placing an unnecessary burden on your life.

Jesus tells us that He has come to all who are burdened and are weary so that we may find rest. We cannot truly find rest until we understand that our Savior values us enough to pay our debts. That He cares for us so much he is willing to take our burden upon himself. We don’t have to work harder to gain his love, we already have it! We need to take a breath and rest in him and in his grace and love for us.

We don’t have to struggle to earn his love, his high opinion of us. No, he has already given us his heart and spirit. Rest in him today!

In Christ