“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV
There is but one Word of God, one truth by which has been given unto mankind. Paul tells us that all scripture is given by the inspiration of God. The Word was given over a 1500 year time frame but had a consistent theme throughout its entirety- a love story about God and his grace to his creation – to us. Much of the New Testament was written by eye witnesses of the life and ministry of Christ. The last book transpired by revelation only 70 years after the resurrection of Jesus.
We often may think or question if the Word is truly accurate and still today is what God intended for us to hear and for us live by. Ponder this, there is no other book that stood both the test of time and has been supported by archaeological discoveries and ancient texts. No other literary piece has endured with the passion, the substance and the continued revelation that has occurred with the Holy Bible.
Much of man’s criticism is not about its authenticity but about its content and direction. Man has always sought his way, his truth and has rebelled against God’s uncompromising truth.
The Word is not here to gain our vote or our stamp of approval. No, it exists as God’s love and truth to man to guide him into an eternal relationship with his creator. We may not like what it says. We may not agree with the path it gives us to salvation. You see real truth does not change with time or situations. Real truth is eternal and holy therefore cannot be compromised. God’s inspiration delivered to us his Word. If we come to accept his word, to follow his instruction, we will find life more abundantly than we could have ever imagined.
His Word is Life!
In Christ