
“being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience,”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Had days where you needed an extra dose of strength just to make it through them? How about circumstances where your hot  button got pushed several times and you lost all your patience? Unfortunately, these occasions are not rare in our lives and we can find ourselves weak, rundown and our nerves frazzled. They tell us take some deep breaths, meditate for a few moments to recoup from these troubles. I don’t know about you, but  I want more than a momentary fix.

Enter God’s plan for these taxing times and his solution that carries us not just through moments but our whole life.
I read we are strengthen by all power through his glorious might. Why?  So we do can endure and have great patience. Paul tells us we have a race of faith to run when we are his people. We cannot run that race before us without God’s power!

We as humans run out of ourselves sometimes very quickly and find we have little strength to go on. Without his power in our lives, we find ourselves depleted, frustrated and worn out. How can we run any race of life in such condition? We cannot. We can endure life’s trials as an overcomer only when we have Jesus there with us, lifting us up, carrying us in difficult times. The Word says his burden is light yet his power is unlimited. What a great combination for us to live in,  lots of power and a light load to be carried.

I know I can make it with his loving power flowing through my life. Since God is no respecter of people, that same power is there for you as well! Want to run and not grow weary? Seek the One who can empower you everyday, every moment of your life-Jesus!