God Waits On Us:

“By this time it was late in the day, so His disciples came to Him. “This is a remote place,” they said, “and it’s already very late. Send the people away so that they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.””
Mark 6:35-36 NIV

When we have an issue in our lives, we often demonstrate behavior that does nothing to resolve the problem. We humans like to fall into reactions that take us further from our solution not closer. There are three things we often do in response to our problems:
1. We procrastinate. We wait, thinking that the issue will go away rather than to turn and face it head on.
2. We pass the buck. We blame anyone or anything but ourselves for the trouble we find ourselves in.
3. We worry! Due to our waiting – the problem grows in size and now we worry about our condition instead of going to God in faith.

Our human responses take us away from our Father and out of our faith to believe in His ability to resolve our issues. God waits on us to recognize our problem and then to bring it to Him in faith. God will move on our behalf, but we first have to trust Him enough to make Him our source for resolution!

Our verses today show the disciples going through our human responses to a problem. What they needed to do was to go to our Lord first. God is waiting to lift our burdens, to show us the way through our journey. Don’t wait to avail yourself of His great love and mercy, do it today!

In Christ