The Main Things

Have you heard anyone say something like, " I just can’t figure out what God wants from me?" or "I really don’t know what God wants me to do?"
Statements like these confuse me because I think God is amazingly clear and to the point about the ‘main things’ that need to be the focus in my life.
The only two commandments Jesus gave us are to love God with our whole hearts and love others. Jesus tells me that obeying these 2 commandments fulfills ‘all the law and the prophets’ which includes the original 10 commandments from the Old Testament.
There used to be 10 commandments – now it’s 2. God knows we need simple and clear directions.
As I read the 6th chapter of Micah, I am again amazed at how direct God is as he tells me what he expects from me. " And what does the LORD require from you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8.
Which part of that is unclear?
Act justly – do the right things. God tells us what is right in his Word.
Love mercy – forgive others. Give people a break especially when they don’t deserve it. Help others.
the-holy-one.jpg Walk humbly with God – develop a close relationship with God understanding that he is a supernatural combination of Creator of the Universe, the Holy and Perfect One and my Abba Father.
Micah told us this thousands of years ago. I have discovered that, if I am serious about doing the things God has already told me to do, he fills in the other details at the right time.
Do you think its time to stop asking God what he wants us to do and focus on the directions he has already given us?