He Knows

How often are we on ‘auto-pilot’ when it comes to our relationship with God?
Just going through the motions?
In Isaiah 29, God tells his people that their worship was meaningless because it was based on human rules but their hearts aren’t engaged. They are saying the right words but they didn’t mean them. "The LORD says: ‘These people come near me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." Isaiah 29:13.
God can tell the difference. He knows when I are focused on him with all of my heart. He knows my thoughts and intentions. He knows when my thinking wanders away from him – even if my Bible is laying open on my lap. He knows when I am just saying things I have been taught to say but there is no passion and love behind them.
My love for God shines bright when its authentic. When its real. When its based on a personal relationship, not just traditions that I have been taught by others.
pexels-shihab-nymur-712520-1.jpg?w=1024 God sees right into my heart and he knows. He knows if I’m serious about my faith.
There is no ‘faking it’ with God.
Please help me worship you and love you like you want me to, Abba F
