Come on a Journey through the Bible with Judy Glasser

It Should Have Been Me

It should have been me. The thief up on the cross next to Jesus was sentenced to die for the bad things he had done. That was me....before I put my faith in Jesus. My rebellion, self-centeredness, and lack of compassion are a few of the reasons I should have been on...

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Seven Words That Changed My Life

These words challenged me. They held me accountable for what I had been saying my entire life. About 35 years ago while reading my Bible, I heard Jesus say these words to me, "If you love me, keep my commands".(John14:15) If I loved him? I was shocked. I had...

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All In

Have you been keeping your distance from Jesus? Do you believe he is the Son of God but you just don't want to get too close? You don't want to go 'all in'? You don't want to have to give up things you enjoy? Many of us are like Zacchaeus. When he found out that Jesus...

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Keep Asking

She knocked.... and knocked...... and knocked.... on the door of an unjust judge. Until he gave in and gave her justice. How much more will my Father God, who loves me, give me when I ask? How much more does he have waiting for you when you pray and never give up?...

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"I have a problem with anxiety." "I'm going to need to take an extra anxiety pill" "I get so anxious" "My whole family has issues with anxiety." I'm hearing these statements from people in the world around me and I feel like I'm...

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I Want to Be….

like the Samaritan Leper. Jesus healed 10 lepers and "One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him - and he was a Samaritan." Luke 17: 15 - 16. Jesus healed the whole group...

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My Fears

What am I afraid of? What are you afraid of? This world can be a very scary place with evil lurking around every corner. The worst can happen in an instant - I've been there. It's indescribably shocking and painful. So it seems logical that you and I would be...

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Look at the Birds!

It's hard not to be anxious about our world today. We have a list of huge issues which continue to grow around us - the growing rate of suicide, politics, the economy, mental illness, our education system - just to name a few. Most of these things we can't do anything...

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“Enter through the narrow gate.” Jesus said in Matthew 7:13. Have you ever thought about what entering through the narrow gate means? He goes on to say, “For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the...

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Real Friends

I need real friends. You need real friends. Real friends are people who care about us, easily forgive us and want the best for us. They are the people in our lives who cheer us on in the good times and listen well with extra tissues ready during the bad times. I am...

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