We believe that God's presence is real and powerful, and that he desires to encounter us in a personal way. Please join us.
The HTC Community Fellowship meets in the HTC Clubhouse at 9 am every Sunday morning.
Devotions from Pastor RJ
Trust the Lord’s Map for Life
“Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be fulfilled: “Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death,...
Resurrection of Christ
“Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be fulfilled: “Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death,...
Stain of Sin is Gone!
“So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.”...
Journey Through the Bible with Judy Glasser
I Am Becoming
I am 'becoming' something. We are all on the path to 'somewhere'. I decide what I am becoming and where I'm going by my choices each day. I am going one way or another - I'm not standing still. If...
This is Not Where I Belong
This place is not my home. As I read what God is saying to me in Isaiah, I realize that I am in exile from my real home. Seeing the bold mockery of God this week at the Olympics makes it...
It’s Not a Waste
Sometimes I feel like I've wasted a lot of time today - or last week - or last year. How much time did I waste watching TV? How much time did I waste worrying about tomorrow? Worrying about things...
Growing in our Love for our Neighbor
We understand that life can be difficult and painful at times. That's why we offer help for you to find hope and healing in the midst of life's challenges. Click below to learn more.
Experience the Love of Christ at HTC Fellowship
We believe that giving is an act of worship and a way to show our support for the work of God's Kingdom. You can use this secure online giving process or give in person during Sunday services.